More Battlefield 6 Images Leak, We Have Now Seen Around "80% Of The Reveal Trailer" According To Reports

Yet another Battlefield 6 leak has emerged, with some new screenshots from the reveal trailer which will be released in June.

These new screenshots continue to show scenes from the reveal trailer and fans have collected together all of them here for you to look at. These images have also been compiled together into GIF form.

As of right now, industry leaker and insider Tom Henderson, says that we have now seen around "80% or so of that trailer".

So, whilst all the images are blurry and not clear it does seem like we will have seen most of what gets revealed by the time EA flick the switch.

Originally reported to be revealed in May, that reveal has now been set for June, with EA apparently delaying it.

Screenshots and images continue to leak from the reveal trailer and you can keep up to date with all the leaks and news here. The game will be a cross-gen title coming Xbox One and PS4, alongside Xbox Series S/X and PS5.

We may have also got a look at what kind of battle pass system the game will have, as EA has patented a battle pass system that lets players choose their reward path.

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