Black Ops Cold War: Armory, Progression And Battle Pass Will Be Interconnected With Warzone

The future of Warzone has been discussed ever since the reveal of a new Call of Duty game.

Updating the free to play title each time a new Call of Duty releases is one option.

However, it will be difficult to integrate the weapons and gameplay of each new Call of Duty into Warzone.

Fans have been wondering how Black Ops Cold War will change and effect Warzone.

Well, it looks like we're finally getting some answers.

Black Ops Cold War And Warzone

The latest Activision blog has revealed some details on the updates and changes coming to Warzone.

Warzone will continue to evolve and receive updates after the release of Black Ops Cold War.

It will receive a number of updates that will integrate weapons, operators and themes from Cold War.

On top of this, Cold War will have a progression system that will be connected to Warzone. 

Check out @TheMW2Ghost's tweet below:

“Brand new levelling journey”. Not sure what to think about this. I’m totally up for @Treyarch pulling something fun and awesome out the bag. some kind of hybrid system could be nice. Just so long as there are some kind of progressive changing level icons like prestige.
— MW2 OG (@TheMW2Ghost)
September 12, 2020

The games will share a Battle Pass and Store features.

This will ensure Warzone will adopt a Cold War theme.

Despite this, fans are concerned Warzone may fall behind in a gameplay sense.

Black Ops Cold War is a lot more fast-paced than Warzone and Modern Warfare.

We'll have to see if Warzone receives any gameplay changes to match the latest Call of Duty titles.

You can check out all the latest Black Ops Cold War news here.

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