Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales — Insomniac explains the process of designing the all-new “T.R.A.C.K.” suit

In a new feature, Marvel artist Javier Garrón and Insomniac art director Gavin Goulden discuss the creative process that went into the new Spidey T.R.A.C.K. suit, one of the alternative costumes from the upcoming Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

T.R.A.C.K. stands for Time-Response-Activated Circuit Kinetic suit.

The new design has never been seen outside of the upcoming PS5 launch game, and it’s certainly an attractive design. Red, black, and white, it has something of a racecar-driver feel to it.

Credit: Marvel Games

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“You have all the classic elements from the Spider-Man lore: the webs, the pointy-shaped big eyes, the spider logo. I wanted to have a new take on the mythos, design-wise, but always trying to keep it coherent and part of the larger picture,” said Garrón, who designed the suit.

“There are those elements that make Miles unique as a Spider-person. Black and red colors. The sport accessories and vibe in some iterations of the suit. I tried to be as aware as possible of how design in games is now in. Try to make it current and vibrant. Unique but definitely Spidey.”

“When we start designing any unique suit, we typically work broadly at first to land on a basic idea of what the suit brings to the game. What makes this suit different from everything else? What makes it unique and interesting?” Goulden explained.

“When designing the webbing for the T.R.A.C.K. suit, we wanted to have it feel similar to the iconic suit, but with its own unique twist. By isolating it to stay within the legs of the spider emblem, this allows us to have a natural section for the details.”

Miles Morales launches November 12 on PlayStation 5 and PS4.

The game will be available in a standard $49.99 release as well as a $70 Ultimate Edition, which comes bundled with Marvel’s Spider-Man: Remastered, a PS5-optimized rerelease of the acclaimed 2018 Spidey game.

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