Valorant 4.03 Update Patch Notes

Valorant's got a few changes in the works. We'll be waiting until Episode 4 Act 2 for Riot Games to introduce Yoru's anticipated rework, but in the meantime, Riot's now confirmed Patch 4.03 releases later today.

So, what changes can regular players expect? Mostly this adds a few updates and bug fixes, though if you're hoping for Agent updates, Brimstone's seen adjustments regarding his ultimate ability.

There's also a few adjustments to Deathmatch, updated AFK detection and reportedly, improved performance. That comes hot off the heels of Patch 4.02 and the Lunar New Year event, the latter of which ends tomorrow.

Valorant 4.03 Update Patch Notes

So, if you're looking to know what's changed in Valorant 4.03, here's the patch notes in full, as provided by Riot Games:



  • Brimstone's ultimate now properly blocks gameplay visibility while active
  • You'll no longer see enemies on the minimap through the ultimate.
  • Abilities that require line of sight (flashes, Sova recon pulses) will no longer apply through the ultimate.



  • Removed and in some cases relocated “dangerous” spawn locations
  • Improved spawn logic and spawn placement to increase the likelihood that you will be facing each other players in an encounter
  • Spawning logic will now favour respawn locations farther away from where you are defeated
  • Fixed an issue where the Warm-Up Phase was not using spawn logic properly
  • Respawn Time Reduced: 3s >>> 1.5s


  • Updated AFK detection in game to deter players from exploiting game modes to farm EXP


Global Invalidation

  • Global Invalidation provides up to 15% improvement to baseline performance for CPU-bound players
  • CPU-bound players are generally mid-to-high spec machines.
  • These numbers are based on data gathered from PBE over two weekends (Jan. 22–23, and Feb. 5–6).
  • Although we expect a large portion of the player base to benefit from these gains, your machine’s performance may vary.


  • Updates to the color of the tile used to display sprays in your Collections
  • Some sprays were too close to the color of the original tile and were hard to see properly before actually using them in-game.


  • Added option to return to strongest weapon
  • You can now return to the strongest weapon when pressing the “Equip Last Used Item” key or when auto-equipping a weapon.
  • To toggle ON, go to Settings >> Controls >> Equipment under “Prioritize Strongest Weapon.”


  • Projectile follow is now fixed for observer followers
  • Added observer settings toggle to turn Agent portrait on/off



  • Fixed a bug where Chamber’s Headhunter and Tour de Force could float away
  • Fixed an exploit where, using specific line-ups, it was possible to see inside Viper’s ultimate without being affected by the nearsighted debuff
  • Fixed a bug where Viper’s ultimate would sometimes fail to expand through doorways


  • Fixed a bug where pressing enter in pre-game wouldn’t focus chat
  • Fixed a bug where right clicking a player portrait would not bring up a context menu


  • Fixed a bug where performance stats would be hidden while spectating the Spike


Esports Features

  • There is a brief flash when swapping into free-cam mode as an observer follower