Fallout 76 Fasnacht Day 2022: Release Date, Rewards, Masks, and Everything Else We Know

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Reminder: Fallout 76 Fasnacht Day ends tomorrow! Grab those masks whilst you still can.

Fallout 76 fans rejoice, it’s nearly time to meet up with the Master of Ceremonies and all your favourite Helvetian bots for an explosive jaunt around town. That's right, Fasnacht Day is almost upon us, and vault dwellers involved will be able to earn some excellent rewards by helping out the town's Protectrons. If you've only just started playing Fallout 76 and want to understand what on earth we're talking about, read on for everything you need to know about Fallout 76 2022 Fasnacht Day event.

Read More - When does Fallout 76 Season 8 Start?

Latest News

3 February 2022 -

Bethesda has confirmed that the Fasnacht Day celebration begins February 10.

The celebration remains largely unchanged but there are a few new Fasnacht Masks that are up for grabs this year (seen below). As a reminder, a new parade starts every hour, at the top of the hour to join in. The event ends on February 22.

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1 February 2022 -

Fasnacht Day is nearly here and hopefully, we could see more information on what to expect in a blog post from the team later this week. Stay tuned.

What is Fasnacht Day in Fallout 76?

Quite simply, Fasnacht Day is a semi-regular event within Fallout 76 that is held in the town of Helvetia. Here's the complete explanation, as per Bethesda:

"As a reminder, Fasnacht Day has two parts: First, the Master of Ceremonies will ask you to find and aid nearby Protectrons with party prep, like gathering meal ingredients, decorating, playing musical instruments, and more. Then, you’ll meet the bots at the center of town to join in the Fasnacht Parade. Defend the Protectrons until they reach the end of their route, and you’ll earn some loot. The more parade marchers that survive, the higher your chances to get rare rewards."

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When Does Fallout 76 Fasnacht Day 2022 Start?

Update: Fasnacht Day starts on 10 February 2022.

As you can see in the chart below, the start and end times for Fallout 76's Fasnacht Day event has been all over the place since 2019. In the years before, the Fasnacht Event took place on the following dates:

Start Date
End Date
19 March 2019
26 March 2019
27 May 2020
9 June 2020
29 October 2020
2 November 2020
16 February 2021
25 February 2021

Despite the random nature of the event, we do thankfully know when the next Fasnacht Day Event is coming to the game, courtesy of the game's Season 7 Roadmap.

Fallout 76's Fastnacht Day 2022 event has been confirmed to start on February 10 and will last for twelve days, ending on February 22. In total players should have just under two weeks to make the most of the event and earn any rewards available.

New Fallout 76 Fasnacht Rewards 2022

At the time of writing it's not known if the 2022 Fasnacht Event will include new rewards. It's worth noting that in 2021, Bethesda added three new Fasnacht Masks alongside the existing rewards.

A new PTR for the game went live on 13 January, and dataminers have already uncovered plenty of Fallout 76 Season 8 content in the files. It's entirely possible they'll discover some new Fasnacht rewards in the weeks ahead.

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Fallout 76 Fasnacht Day Masks

At the time of writing Fallout 76 contains 18 different Fasnacht Day masks, of varying rarities. We've listed them all underneath:

  1. Fasnacht Giant Mask (Common)
  2. Fasnacht Soldier Mask (Common)
  3. Fasnacht Owl Mask (Common)
  4. Fasnacht Witch Mask (Common)
  5. Fasnacht Jester Masker (Common)
  6. Fasnacht Tooth Man Mask (Common)
  7. Fasnacht Skull Mask (Uncommon)
  8. Fasnacht Goblin Mask (Uncommon)
  9. Fasnacht Jester Mask (Uncommon)
  10. Fasnacht Sun Mask (Uncommon)
  11. Fasnacht Beret (Uncommon)
  12. Fasnacht Winter Man Mask (Rare)
  13. Fasnacht Crazy Guy Mask (Rare)
  14. Fasnacht Deathclaw Mask (Rare)
  15. Fasnacht Father Winter helmet (Rare)
  16. Fasnacht Raven Mask (Rare)
  17. Fasnacht Demon Mask (Rare)
  18. Fasnacht Brahmin Mask (Rare)
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We'll be sure to update this page as more Fallout 76 Fasnacht Day info becomes available in the lead-up to the event.