Italian developer One O One Games has revealed their new psychological thriller, Aftermath. Following on from the critically acclaimed "The Suicide of Rachel Foster," this survival horror venture's scheduled to arrive next year, published by META Publishing.
Throwing us into a "narrative driven world beyond the unimaginable," this story focuses on Charlie Gray, a former European astronaut struggling through what remains of society, searching for her daughter. Encountering an "otherworldly threat," it takes inspiration from Alien: Covenant and Suspiria.
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Aftermath’s Bringing a New Psychological Thriller to PC and Consoles Next Year
Detailing this release further, David Gallo, CEO for One O One Games, issued this statement:
META believed in our game, which aims to tell a mature story through survival mechanics, one that’s far away from the standard wilderness settings that these games feature normally. We are excited to let people get in touch with the uncanny world we’re creating and the characters who inhabit it!
Aftermath's launching on PC via Steam, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 in 2022, though they've yet to confirm a specific release date. We'll keep you informed as we learn more.