Apex Legends: Watch The August 14 Premiere Of Season Six’s Gameplay Trailer, ‘Boosted,’ Right Here

Between a series of Titanfall-inspired Easter eggs and an email sent out to players, it looks like Apex season six will likely feature a “revamped” version of World’s Edge — much as the current season centers on a reworked Kings Canyon.

Tune into the Apex Legends YouTube channel on Friday, August 14, at 8 a.m. Pacific to see the season-six gameplay trailer. The premiere’s placeholder location can be found here, and we'll have the video on this page once it goes live!

I’d definitely expect to see the Volt — an SMG from Titanfall 2 — in action tomorrow. Same goes for the new playable Legend, Rampart; her devastating machine-gun turret, Sheila; and the game’s all-new crafting system.

Apex Legends Season Six

Season six arrives in Apex Legends on August 18, and there’s plenty to look forward to. Apex is simply one of the best battle-royale games available, and EA has announced it’s getting cross-play and cross-platform progression this fall when it hits Nintendo Switch and Steam.

“EA is doing a massive push [to] make it easier for players to play with their friends, regardless of which platform they own,” Respawn said recently.

“We’re very excited that players will be able to drop into the arena on Steam this fall. And it gets even better. We’re huge Nintendo fans at Respawn, so we’re thrilled to announce that Apex Legends will be launching this autumn on Switch as well.”

Joining the roster of playable Legends next season is the “modder” Rampart, along with her massive machine gun, Sheila.

Apex Legends is free to play on Origin (PC), PS4, and Xbox.