ARK Survival Evolved may seem pretty basic at first.
Many think it's just about taming dinosaurs but it's more intricate than believed.
There's a ton of stuff to do, things that may not seem necessary but bring life to the game.
Certain items, structures and more can be customised with dyes.
Keep reading to find out how to create dyes and what each colour requires.
How To Make Dye
Dyes can be used to colour dinos, buildings, armour, saddles, weapons and more.
If your item turns blue when you drag the dye over it, it can be dyed.
To craft them you'll need a Cooking Pot or Industrial Cooker.
Each recipe requires:
- 1x Waterskin, 1x Water Jar or 1x Canteen (filled at least 25%)
- 2x Charcoal, 1x Gunpowder or 1x Sparkpowder
- Berries (amount and type will depend on the colour you want)
Put the items into the Cooking Pot or Industrial Cooker then light it or turn it on.
The list below will create five dyes at a time.
You can multiple the required items as many times as you want to get the amount you wish.
Dye List
Use the ingredients indicated in the list below to create the colour of dye you want.
Dye Colour | Ingredients |
Black | 15 Narcoberry 2 Charcoal Water |
Blue | 15 Azulberry 2 Charcoal Water |
Brick | 12 Tintoberry 6 Narcoberry Sparkpowder Water |
Brown | 6 Amarberry 3 Azulberry 9 Tintoberry 2 Charcoal Water |
Cantaloupe | 7 Amarberry 7 Tintoberry 4 Stimberry Sparkpowder Water |
Cyan | 6 Amarberry 12 Azulberry Sparkpowder Water |
Forest | 7 Amarberry 7 Azulberry 4 Narcoberry Gunpowder Water |
Green | 9 Amarberry 9 Azulberry 2 Charcoal Water |
Magenta | 9 Azulberry 9 Tintoberry Sparkpowder Water |
Mud | 4 Amarberry 1 Azulberry 7 Tintoberry 6 Narcoberry Sparkpowder Water |