Taming creatures in ARK is likely the main objective of the game.
It can get pretty tedious feed them so many berries and meat depending on their level.
Well, you can actually speed up that process using kibble.
Kibble is basically their favourite food and will give you maximum taming speed.
Keep reading to find out all the recipes you need and which to use for each dino!
ARK Kibble Guide
Most creatures in ARK have preferred food which will give higher taming speeds.
Well, they also have favourite kibbles!
Using their specific kibble will give you the quickest and maximum taming speed.
If you feed dinos the wrong type of kibble you pretty much just wasted it as its most likely less useful than berries or meat.
Therefore it's important to know which kibble to use for each creature.
You can also use kibble to raise baby dinos and sometimes need specific types.
It's best to have a variety to hand.
How To Make Kibble
You'll need a cooker or industrial cooking pot.
As well as that you need fuel to cook.
Kibble recipes differentiate but most use 2x Mejoberries, 3x Fiber, and a Waterskin (or another water-container) it'll need to be at least 25% full.
When you cook using an Industrial Cooker connected to a water irrigation system, you won't need waterskins or other water-containers.
Fertilized eggs can be used in recipes too.
As you'll need eggs it's probably a good idea to regularly breed your dinos.
It will take 30 seconds to cook a singular kibble in a Cooking Pot.
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Kibble Recipes
You can find the requirements to make each kibble in the table below.
Kibble | Egg Type | First Resource | Second Resource | Third Resource | Fourth Resource | Fifth Resource |
Basic Kibble | Extra Small Egg | 5x Mejoberry | 10x Amarberry | 10x Tintoberry | 1x Cooked Meat | 5x Fiber |
Simple Kibble | Small Egg | 5x Mejoberry | 2x Rockarrot | 1x Cooked Fish Meat | 5x Fiber | |
Regular Kibble | Medium Egg | 2x Longrass | 2x Savoroot | 1x Cooked Meat Jerky | 5x Fiber | |
Superior Kibble | Large Egg | 2x Citronal | 2x Rare Mushroom | 1x Prime Meat Jerky | 1x Sap | 5x Fiber |
Exceptional Kibble | Extra Large Egg | 10x Mejoberry | 1x Rare Flower | 1x Focal Chili | 5x Fiber | |
Extraordinary Kibble | Special Egg | 10x Mejoberry | 1x Giant Bee Honey | 1x Lazarus Chowder | 5x Fiber |
You can find a list of egg sizes here.
Creature Kibble List
Below is a list of which kibble each creature requires.
Basic Kibble
- Dilo
- Dodo
- Kairuku
- Mesopithecus
- Parasaur
- Tek Parasaur
- Phiomia
Simple Kibble
- Archaeopteryx
- Diplocaulus
- Gallimimus
- Giant Bee
- Ichthyosaurus
- Iguanodon
- Megaloceros
- Morellatops
- Pachy
- Raptor
- Tek Raptor
- Triceratops
Regular Kibble
- Angler
- Ankylosaurus
- Baryonyx
- Beelzebufo
- Carbonemys
- Carnotaurus
- Dimetrodon
- Diplodocus
- Doedicurus
- Equus
- Gigantopithecus
- Ichthyornis
- Kaprosuchus
- Kentrosaurus
- Lymantria
- Pelagornis
- Pteranodon
- Scorpion
- Purlovia
- Sabertooth
- Sarco
- Stegosaurus
- Tek Stegosaurus
- Terror Bird
- Thorny Dragon
- Velonasaur
Superior Kibble
- Allosaurus
- Argentavis
- Castoroides
- Daeodon
- Dire Bear
- Direwolf
- Gasbags
- Dunkleosteus
- Mammoth
- Megalodon
- Megalosaurus
- Megatherium
- Paracer
- Plesiosaur
- Snow Owl
- Tapejara
- Woolly Rhino
Exceptional Kibble
- Basilosaurus
- Brontosaurus
- Giganotosaurus
- Karkinos
- Managarmr
- Mosasaurus
- Rex
- Quetzal
- Therizinosaur
- Tek Rex
- Tek Quetzal
- Tropeognathus
- Spino
Extraordinary Kibble
- Astrocetus
- Griffin
- Megalania
- Rock Elemental
- Thylacoleo
- Yutyrannus