ARK TLC 3 Release Date: When Is The Next Survival Evolved Update Coming To PS4, Xbox and PC?

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ARK Survival Evolved Genesis recently came to console and PC.

Wildcard is still hard at work, despite just releasing Genesis.

Here's everything we know about the third TLC update.


If you don't know what a TLC update is we'll explain.

TLC stands for tender love and care as the common phrase does.

TLC updates improve upon dinosaur textures and functionality.

Usually, the dinos that are chosen for TLCs are older ones.

They choose them to make them more balanced in the current meta.

For example, TLC update 2 launched in April of 2018, the Argentavis, Parasaur, Raptor and more got new abilities and better textures.

Developers Wildcard has not stated which dinos will be chosen for TLC 3 yet but promises they will closer to the patch.

TLC updates are completely free to all players.

The devs have now confirmed the release date for the TLC update.

It will go live November 7th at 1 PM (EST) or 6 PM (GMT).

What dinosaurs would you like to see in TLC 3 and what changes?

We'll update this piece when we know more!