Atlas Fallen co-op multiplayer explained

The character is fighting with a monster in Atlas Fallen.
Credit: Deck13

The character is fighting with a monster in Atlas Fallen.
Credit: Deck13

Exploring a world with sand monsters and dunes is more fun with friends, so it's time to learn about Atlas Fallen co-op multiplayer. This is the first time Deck13 has created a co-op game, so it's intriguing to see how the studio will implemented this feature.

Co-op multiplayer in adventure RPGs is fairly common, and it makes a return in Atlas Fallen. In this guide, we'll explain how multiplayer works in the game, so you're ready to dive into the action with a friend.

For more on the game, check out whether Atlas Fallen is on Game Pass, as well as if the game is crossplay. In the meantime you can also read up on the best free RPG games.

The character is fighting with a monster in Atlas Fallen.
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Credit: Deck13

How will co-op multiplayer work in Atlas Fallen?

Atlas Fallen will feature a two-player online co-op mode, which allows you to explore the world with a friend. You will be able to play the whole game together, apart from the introduction sequence which takes around ten minutes. Then one player can become the host and invite the other, and they can play the rest of the game together.

At the same time, it is not necessary for the players to progress through the entire story together. There is no progress check, so you can join another player even if you're at different points in the story.

Even though Atlas Fallen is primarily designed as a single-player experience, Deck13 has introduced many additional features that other RPGs with co-op modes lack. Even though one player is the host, both players have full access to all the functions on the server, including completing quests and talking to NPCs.

Loot and experience are also shared among players so that you don’t miss anything. You will also be able to split up tasks, so one player can explore and the other can talk to NPCs, searching for a new quest. The difficulty of combat will also be changed to balance out two players fighting instead of one, but if it's be too hard for you, you can always change the difficulty at any point in the game.

Deck13 has ensured that you won’t have a worse gaming experience if you choose to play co-op mode instead of single-player. We are excited to try out the multiplayer when Atlas Fallen finally comes out and see if the co-op mode lives up to expectations!

While you are here, make sure to check out our list of the best free multiplayer games.