Best Controls For Apex Legends On Switch

It has finally happened, Apex Legends has now fully released on the Nintendo Switch.

After what seemed to be months of speculation, the beloved battle royale makes its way to the Switch and players are thrilled.

Now, if you are jumping into the action on the Switch; there are some settings you must adjust beforehand.

This of course involves tweaking the controls so that they are fully optimized for your playing experience. 

Here are some of the best control settings for Apex Legends on the Switch!



Tweaking the controls your desired layout is one of the vital steps you should take into consideration before jumping into a match of Apex Legends.

Since the Switch allows you to pay with the Joycons or a controller, there are going to be different layouts per the option you are using. 

If you are using a controller, then we recommend changing the following: 

  • Crouch Button - Toggle
  • Aim Button - Hold
  • Look Deadzone - Small
  • Sensitivity - Adjust To Your Liking
  • Vibration - Off
  • Inverted Look - Off
  • Response Curve - Classic

The above settings will optimize your controller to some degree, but finding what works for you is always the best path to take.

If you are using the Joycons, then like mentioned above; tweak them enough so that you are comfortable moving around the map with ease!