Black Ops Cold War: Devs Say Scorestreak System Not Designed To Reward Bad Players

Black Ops Cold War's gameplay is out in the wild and Treyarch's next game looks incredible.

After the multiplayer reveal, we're infinitely more knowledgable on this year's game and what we can expect.

Now, a once-controversial topic about next year's game has been cleared up by the developers.


Dev's Explain

During the multiplayer reveal, a big talking point among the community was the new scorestreak method.

Instead of the scorestreak being reset when you die, it will now carry over to when you spawn in next.

As well, the number of kills you get in your life before; will affect the multiplier you have next time around. 

At first, this triggered the majority of the Call of Duty community, as they did not want bad players to be incentivized for doing nothing during a game.

However, Tony Flame has cleared up some of the misunderstandings on Twitter.

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No Benefit? 

So, it appears that during Black Ops Cold War matches, you are going to earn scorestreaks in a wide array of ways. 

It will offer some benefit to players who are struggling during a match, but these players may be contributing in other ways. 

As well, it appears they are trying to find a happy medium.

A place where good and bad players have a chance to earn scorestreaks during a match.

We will have to wait and see down the line of more news surfaces about this.