The weapon arsenal on Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is full of weapons that caters to every single style of play imaginable.
The fifth installment of the Black Ops series contains a brand-new multiplayer consisting of an innovative Create-A-Class system, new level progression, and more.
Players have had all weekend to check out the new weapons and game modes within the game.
With double XP going live soon, most players are creeping up on the elusive first prestige.
However, there has been an on-going discussion among players that aim assist on controller may be nerfed significantly.
Here's what we know about the possibility of aim assist being broken in Cold War!
TheXclusiveAce, who is one of the biggest content creators in the Call of Duty has posted a YouTube video titled 'Aim Assist is Broken in Cold War! (What Changed?)'.
This has received a lot of attention and has rightfully gotten the community to talk about this issue more since the games releases.
Essentially, there are numerous changes or new additions to the aim assist mechanic that are vastly different from previous games.
One of the differences they note is that during aiming down your sights while trying to hit a target, the aim assist will pre-emptively spot before your target is in your crosshair.
This basically makes your crosshair stop a few inches before the enemy is in your line of sight. Making it so you have to adjust your aim yourself, negating the aim assist mechanic altogether.
The aim assist mechanic is also pulling your aim away from the way you are aiming down, so it can be quite the issue.
They also note that aim assist is rather strong while aiming at a moving target as compared to previous games, but it may be stronger in the wrong ways.
Check out their full video below.