Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Goes Bare Bones With No Kill-Streak Playlist This Week

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has spiced up Season 5 with some new game modes and environments.

We were treated to fighting through Verdansk Airport and classic map Suldal Harbor at the season launch, but we're getting mid-season additions starting now.

Bare Bones is an all-new mode for Modern Warfare hinted at in the Season 5 Roadmap.

We've covered everything we know so far and got the lowdown of what exactly it involves:

What Is Bare Bones?

Modern Warfare Season 5 roadmap
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Image courtesy of Activision

Bare Bones is a playlist that rotates through Team Deathmatch, Domination, Headquarters, Hardpoint, and Kill Confirmed.

So far, pretty normal, right?

However, the big twist is that there are no kill-streaks, field upgrades, or perks.

To be honest, Bare Bones sounds like Call of Duty at its most pure. If you've been waiting to jump in and destroy your opponents with no frills and no distractions, this is the mode for you!

We can't wait for some exciting Bare Bones action without the Air Strikes, Choppers, and UAVs that so often spell our inevitable downfall.

Read more: Warzone Season 5 Mid-Season Event: Games Of Summer Dates, Times, Rewards And More

When Is Bare Bones Coming To Modern Warfare?

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Bare Bones playlist
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Image courtesy of Activision

Bare Bones should be coming this week.

Before then, we have Shoot the Ship action coming today, and 3v3 Gunfight Blueprints also appearing later in the week.

Read more: Modern Warfare And Warzone Weekly Update: 10th August - Free Weekend, 3v3 Gunfight Blueprints, New Bundles and Mini Royale

What About Warzone?

Warzone isn't getting much this week, so we'll likely be sticking to Modern Warfare.

Mini Royale continues, as does Plunder Quads and BR Solos Stimulus.

Of course, you always can hop in for your regular games as well.