Fallout 76 Finally Gets Player Teams Today

Fallout's MMO RPG is entering the seasonal business with Fallout 76 Season 1 "The Legendary Run" today, but it's also getting a much-requested feature.

Player Teams, a way to join up with community members to complete quests or go exploring has been surprisingly absent from the 2018 title.

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Fallout 76 Player Teams

Now, players will be able to hop in and locate players in the in-game Social menu to team up with.

You can also set a goal, with challenges then set by the game that reward players with Bonds.

You'll need to play nice, though, as not only with PvP engagements be between individuals rather than groups, but you won't be able to pilfer goods from your new friend's camp without becoming Wanted.

The Bethesda Blog has more info.