FIFA 21 Players Get Admin Access To Web App, EA Responds

Following allegations of an EA employee selling FUT items for cash, a new controversy has engulfed FIFA 21's Ultimate Team mode.

For a short period of time, the game's Web App reportedly gave admin access and dished out a series of free items and coins – something EA has since denied.

Read More: FIFA 21: EA Updates Fans On "EA Gate" Allegations

FIFA 21 Players Get Admin Access To Web App, EA Responds

"Earlier today an issue surfaced during a regular update to our Web App. This ended up causing debug menu tools, that are used for internal testing and development, to be visible to players. The issue was quickly recognized and has since been fixed," a tweet from the EAFIFADIRECT account reads.

It also states that there were no benefits received by players.

"Though the tools were visible, players couldn't use them to add content or make permanent changes to their own or anyone else’s accounts. To be clear, no one was able to receive in-game benefits from this issue, despite some claims we’ve seen online."

"We understand the community has questions about this issue and these tools, what they do, and why they exist. We’ll be following with answers for some of the top questions we’re seeing surface. We want everyone to have clarity on this."

The account goes into further detail about the data shown in the debug menu, even noting that one player managed to revoke their own transfer market access.

FIFA streamer RunTheFUTMarket shared the inner workings of the web app on his Twitch Stream. Check it out here, at around the 2 hours, 15-minute mark.