Fortnitemares is here, but Epic has also taken away one of Iron Man's emotes.
The "Suit-Up" emote has been removed from the game as per the game's latest Trello board update.
Here's why.
Epic Removes Iron Man's Suit Up Emote
While the Trello board suggests it was temporarily disabled "due to an issue", a Reddit user has shown what that issue is.
u/c0baltshard posted a video on the game's subreddit:
Invisible and golden shadow with built in emote
As you can see, using the emote turns the player invisible, other than a small smoke plume.
That'd be an easy way to get the drop on enemies, so we can see why it's been disabled.
Epic is usually pretty quick at patching these things, so don't expect to be without the emote for long.
In better news, the game's file size just dropped drastically on PC.
Find out more here.
For more on Fortnite, be sure to check out all the information we have about the Ghost Rider skin here.
We've also got a guide on completing the Slurpy Swamp secret challenges here.
And for all the Fortnitemares challenges, you can find our guide here.