Fortnite Update 14.50 Patch Notes, Release Time, Server Downtime, Leaks And More

Fortnite Update 14.50 is set to release on PS4, Xbox One, PC, iOS, Android and Nintendo Switch players on October 3, 2020.

The new update for the game was announced surprisingly late Tuesday morning.

According to Epic Games official Fortnite Status Twitter account, update 14.50 will release Tuesday morning, but not before some Fortnite server downtime for all players across the globe.

For those in the United Kingdom though, it means the game will be offline from 9am GMT.

Writing on Twitter the Fortnite Status account told followers: "Hey there, everyone. v14.50 jets in tomorrow, November 3, and prepares Fortnite for next week’s next-generation consoles! Downtime will start at approx. 4 AM ET (09:00 UTC)."

The good news is that players should have the game back up and running in a matter of hours. Server downtime is scheduled to end after two hours, meaning the game should be back online by 11am GMT, if not slightly sooner.

This isn't set in stone though, and it's possible - as with any period of server maintenance - that the game's server maintenance could be extended should Epic Games encounter any issues or the devs overrun.

As noted by the tweet sent out, this update will prepare the game for the launch of the new next-gen consoles coming in November.

There's more info on these next-gen versions of the game if you follow the link, but in the meantime there are some early patch notes of changes marked as 'Fixed in next release' on the game's official Trello Board.

Fortnite Update 14.50 Patch Notes

The night before the update, Epic sent out another round of creator patch notes at around 10:00 pm EST.

These detail the main content coming to the game and can be viewed down below thanks to claystehling!

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Jet Packs

It appears Jet Packs are back within Fortnite, Epic has noted the following:

We saw a lot of skybase attempts crumble during Fortnitemares, and Stark Industries has a solution. Blast off with a new and improved Jet packs, found throughout the island!

XP Xtravaganza

Squad up! New bonus challenges are arriving this week that'll put your crew's skills to the test. Got your eye on a shiny foil style? Finish out your battle pass with these party-wide XP challenges and fight Galactus in mint condition. 

Bug Fixes

• Burn Basher animation issue.

- We're aware of an issue with the harvesting animation of the Burn Basher Pickaxe and have disabled it in competitive playlists.

• Gas Cans temporarily disabled.

- Due to an issue, Gas Cans have been temporarily disabled in all game modes.

• Cozy Chomps and Ravage Outfits appearing as Ramirez.

- We’re investigating an issue that is causing the Cozy Chomps and Ravage Outfits to display as Ramirez while in the Lobby and in a match.

• THWIP! Legacy not being awarded.

- The THWIP! Legacy isn't awarded after meeting its requirement (immediately eliminate an opponent after pulling them with a Harpoon Gun during Season 4).

• Baller Movement is unnatural after exiting

- After exiting The Baller, the vehicle may continue to move unnaturally and can jitter.

• There is no "Back to Hub" option in Creative Play server.

- There is a "Back to Hub" option in a Create server but NOT a Play server. The back to hub rift in an island does not work either.

• Team Size setting does not properly function when Join In Progress is set to Join Next Round.

- Team Size does not properly limit the number of players when join in progress is set to Join Next Round.

• Weapons and perks not functioning correctly after 14.30.

- We're investigating the various reports of weapons and their perks not functioning correctly after the 14.30 update. Some of these symptoms include:

    • Bows not properly pulling back when holding down the fire key during reload
    • Perks on guns not properly applying stats
    • 6th Weapon perks not activating (Nocturno, etc)

• Taking Storm Damage cancels Hoverboard mounting.

- Taking storm damage will cancel mounting your hoverboard. This makes it hard to get out of the storm if playing a low mobility class.

• Unresponsive after opening Loot Llama then opening settings menu right after.

- Players may find the game unresponsive or frozen after opening a Loot Llama in Save the World then opening the settings menu right after.

• Wild West Llama not granting Steampunk weapon.

- Wild West Llamas may not have Steampunk / Wild West items in them. It's recommended not to purchase them if Steam Punk items are not shown in the X-Ray Llama contents.

• Nintendo Switch audio may be delayed or dropped out.

- We're investigating an issue that is causing audio to be delayed or dropped out for players on Nintendo Switch.