When does Modern Warfare 2 season 1 start?

Modern Warfare 2 players planting bomb
Credit: Activision

Modern Warfare 2 players planting bomb
Credit: Activision
November 15, 2022: The start of Modern Warfare 2 Season One isn't far away. Find out the exact start date below!

When does Modern Warfare 2 season 1 start? That's a question already on the minds of players dropping into Infinity Ward's latest dose of multiplayer action. The sequel to 2019's Modern Warfare comes with an all-new weapon arsenal and map pool to master but the community is already turning its attention to the first content drop.

Although little is known about Modern Warfare 2 season 1, Infinity Ward is already teasing the arrival of fan-favourite maps much to the excitement of fans. Just like the previous Call of Duty seasons, season 1 will contain a new battle pass, new guns, and so much more.

Before we take a closer look at when season 1 begins, check out our guides showcasing the best Modern Warfare 2 LMG and the best Modern Warfare 2 perks to use as part of a loadout.

Modern Warfare 2 season 1 start date

The first season of Modern Warfare 2 begins on November 16, 2022 which isn't too far away. Although some may have expected the first season to begin alongside the launch of the game, season 1 coincides with the launch of Warzone 2.

In the meantime, Modern Warfare 2 pre-season is currently underway. The days leading up to season 1 give players the perfect opportunity to rank up their guns and reach level 55 before seasonal levels make their way to the game.

Will Modern Warfare 2 season 1 get delayed?

In recent months, a slight delay to the start of a Call of Duty season isn't out of the ordinary. During the Vanguard cycle, season two was pushed back allowing the developers to improve the state of the game.

Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer already provides a polished multiplayer offering so the chances of a delay are slim. If there is a delay, we'll update the guide with the new release date as soon as we know more.

Modern Warfare 2 players fighting near arcade machine
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Credit: Activision

Modern Warfare 2 season 1 content

We already know Infinity Ward plans on bringing some classic maps back in season 1 and despite remaining tight-lipped on new weapons making their way to the arsenal, we can guess which will make an appearance.

The M13B assault rifle, Victus XMR sniper rifle, and Chimera assault rifle all appear within the game files but they're unavailable to use. This means there's a high chance of them making an appearance in season 1.

Assuming Modern Warfare 2 follows the path of past titles, two weapons will appear in the battle pass while the third will arrive as part of the mid-season update.

That's everything there is to know about the Modern Warfare 2 season 1 start date. For more intel, check out our guides showcasing the best Modern Warfare 2 LMG and all there is to know about upcoming Modern Warfare 2 double XP events.