A new set of challenges are available for Modern Warfare and Warzone.
Week 8 is now underway and a new set of challenges are here for Season 6.
What will players get up to this week?
Modern Warfare Season 6 Week 8 Challenges
- Stun 5 enemies using a stun grenade (5,000 XP)
- Get 7 kills using melee weapons (2,500 XP)
- Play 2 matches while using Azur as your Allegiance Operator (2,500 XP)
- Play 2 matches of Domination (2,500 XP)
- Call in a personal radar killstreak 7 times (5,000 XP)
- Deploy the EMP Drone Field Upgrade 10 times (5,000 XP)
- Get 30 kills using the Shrapnel perk (5,000 XP)
- Get 15 Attacker Kills in Objective-based modes (10,000 XP)
- Get 2 longshot kills within 60 seconds of each other 7 times (10,000 XP)
- Get 5 Headshot kills using Assault Rifles (2,500 XP)
There's a whopping 50,000 XP up for grabs in multiplayer.
Playing a few games of Domination should help you complete these challenges and completes the '2 matches of Domination' challenge.
By playing naturally, you should be able to complete a number of challenges such as 'Stun 5 enemies', '5 headshot kills using Assault Rifles' and '15 Attacker kills'.
Create a class that has the following to complete even more challenges at once:
- M4A1 (completes '5 Headshot kills using Assault Rifles' challenge)
- Shrapnel Perk (completes '30 kills using the Shrapnel perk' challenge)
- Personal Radar Killstreak (completes 'Call in the Shield Turret Killstreak' challenge)
- EMP Drone Upgrade (completes 'Deploy the EMP Drone Field Upgrade' challenge)
- Combat Knife (completes '7 kills using melee weapons' challenge)
Also, be sure to change your Operator to Azur to complete the 'Azur Allegiance Operator' challenge.
Once you're done with the Assault Rifle, switch to a sniper rifle like the AX-50 to get your long shots challenge completed; you can try Ground War if you're struggling.
If you're struggling to complete the melee challenge, we suggest jumping into the Party Modes playlist and trying out 'All of Nothing'.
Warzone Season 6 Week 8 Challenges
- Get 6 kills with a legendary weapon (10,000 XP)
- In Battle Royale, buy 5 loadout drops (10,000 XP)
- Survive 60 minutes without being downed (10,000 XP)
- Get 9 point-blank kills (10,000 XP)
- Get revived 3 times (10,000 XP)
- Use 18 armor plates (10,000 XP)
- Get 6 kills or assists while in a vehicle (10,000 XP)
- Buy 6 killstreaks (10,000 XP)
- Open 30 Caches (10,000 XP)
- In Battle Royale, win your Gulag fight 3 times (10,000 XP)
Overall there's a huge 100,000 XP up for grabs!
Almost all of these challenges are easy to complete and will be done via normal gameplay such as 'Use 18 armor plates', 'Win your Gulag fight 3 times' or 'Get revived 3 times'.
Obviously, the more action you find the faster you'll complete these challenges. If you're struggling in the Gulag, try waiting for your opponent to show their hand before making a move.
Head to high loot cache areas such as Boneyard, Military or Downtown and search Orange loot crates for one (completes 'kills with a legendary weapon' challenge and 'open caches' challenge).
As these are high traffic areas, you'll likely complete the 'Get 9 point-blank kills' challenge. Whilst searching these caches, you are also likely to find a lot of cash, which will help contribute to the 'Buy 6 killstreaks' challenge or 'Buy 5 loadout drops' challenge.
If you're trying to survive without being downed, head to low traffic areas and work your way slowly through the game to ensure you survive longer.
Finally, if you want to get vehicle kills or assists, heading to locations such as Boneyard as its very populated and has plenty of vehicles.