A small patch has gone live for Modern Warfare and Warzone that addresses a few small issues.
In particular, the Rytec AMR sniper rifle was the subject to most changes, as well as Counter-UAVs being found in Warzone.
According to Infinity Ward, this killstreak was not intended to be put into the game at this time (despite it being available in the buy menu when playing the tutorial).
July 9th Patch Notes
- Fix for incorrect text appearing as one of the SUV camos
- Fix for the Rytec AMR not awarding the correct amount of XP when using explosive rounds
- Fixed an issue where the Rytec AMR could one-hit kill when using explosive rounds in BR
- Fix for the Fully Loaded gun perk not functioning as intended when equipping alternate ammunition on the Rytec AMR
- Fixed a bug where a CUAVs could be found in Warzone
- Fixed an issue where some players were unable to use Field Upgrades in FFA
- Fix for an issue where players were able to go AFK while playing All or Nothing