Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX: Type Chart, Type Advantages, Type Disadvantages and Matchups

Just like in Pokemon Sword and Shield you'll need to be aware of type matchups in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX - specifically who has the advantage or disadvantage?

This will help you decide who to use in your team as well as who to challenge in fights when exploring dungeons.

Here is the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX type chart.

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Pokemon Type Chart

Below you'll find all of the type advantages and disadvantages in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX

The first column represents the type, the second column represents the types it has an advantage over and the third column represents the types it has a disadvantage against.


Advantage Over
Disadvantage To
Water, Ground, Rock
Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying, Bug
Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug
Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, Steel
Grass, Ground, Flying, Dragon
Fire, Fighting, Rock, Steel
Ice, Dragon, Fairy
Psychic, Ghost
Fighting, Bug, Fairy
Fighting, Poison
Bug, Ghost, Dark
Grass, Psychic, Dark
Fire, Flying, Rock
Grass, Fighting, Bug
Electric, Ice, Rock
Ice, Rock, Fairy
Fire, Fighting, Ground
Grass, Ice, Bug, Steel
Water, Ground, Rock
Showing 1-10 of 18
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Here's a more colourful version of the chart!

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Ideal Team Build

In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX you can have up to 8 Pokemon in your party.

Ideally, you'll want to build a team that has the following typings:

  • Grass
  • Water
  • Psychic
  • Fire
  • Ice
  • Fighting
  • Ground
  • Electric