Smash Ultimate: How To Select A Biome In Minecraft World Stage

Super Smash Bros Ultimate's v9.0.0 update changed the face of the fighting game forever by including Steve from Minecraft.

Not only were most of the stages changed to accommodate the blocky mascot, but he also brought a Minecraft stage with him.

Minecraft is known for it's random enviornment selection and the ability to generate a specific world with a given seed.

You can do something similar in Smash's 'Minecraft World' stage and pick a specific stage biome.

Here's how to do it in your game!

Read More: Smash Ultimate: How To Do Steve's Zero-To-Death Combo

Minecraft World Stage Biome Commands

In total, there are six different Biomes to choose from.

When on the stage selection screen, you will need to press the following buttons before selecting the Minecraft World Stage:

  • Meadow: L + A
  • Shirakaba Forest: L + R + A
  • Savannah: L + Left Stick ⬆ + A
  • Taiga: L + Left Stick ➞ + A
  • Snow Tundra: L + Left Stick ⬇ + A
  • Stone Coast: L + Left Stick ⬅ + A
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Photo via @SmashBrosJP

If you don't input command, the biome will be randomly selected.

While there are only six variations right now, it would be amazing to see more added in.

Nintendo would certainly be missing a trick if they didn't add the ability to create your own Minecraft World stage.

The atmosphere will change during the day, evening and night so be careful not to get caught by any skeletons or zombies!