What Did Gamers Ever Do to Deserve a Days Gone Remastered?

Protagonist runs away from zombies
Credit: Bend Studio

Protagonist runs away from zombies
Credit: Bend Studio

We thought Sony sunk to a new low with Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered, but the company somehow sunk even further by announcing Days Gone Remastered on the most recent State of Play. You know the company is desperate when they announce a remaster for one of their most middling games, but we somehow live in that reality where it happened.

Admittedly, all of this might upset the three or four fans excited for Days Gone Remastered, and for that, this writer does not apologize. Considering all the games that deserve a remaster - Jak and Daxter, Infamous, Ape Escape, Sly Cooper, and more - how the company decided on a lame open-world zombie shooter is mind-boggling.

To give this remaster some flowers, Sony confirmed that fans who already own the game can upgrade for $10. It’s good that Sony is making this version accessible to fans who’ve already purchased the title. While it would have been nice if it were a free update, like some of the other cross-gen titles during its early life, this can’t be helped.

For all this writer’s grievances, Days Gone Remastered probably won’t be a bad game when it comes out. Despite its flaws in the original PS4 version, this was always a playable open-world title and shooting zombies felt fine. The remaster should increase enemy zombie rates even more, so it will undoubtedly be a spectacle on PS5 hardware.

Even if this isn’t the worst game Sony could remaster, it’s still pretty pathetic to see a mediocre game get the red-carpet treatment like this. I’d prefer it if Sony tried to remake one of their poorly received games to try and perfect flaws from rushed development. That’s why some fans are more excited for the recently released Tomb Raider IV to VI. It has an Angel of Darkness remaster, one of the worst Tomb Raider games ever.

This is more egregious because we don’t need Days Gone Remastered. If players have a PS4 version of the game, a free 60 FPS patch is waiting for them on their shiny new PS5. 

Considering the shooter already has solid visuals for a PS4 game and runs at a smooth 60 FPS, how does a PS5 version improve it?

This is annoying because Sony will probably delist the original version on Steam, much like they did with Horizon Zero Dawn. They’re removing a functional and playable version for a newer port that looks a bit better.

I don’t know what we, as gamers, did to deserve a remaster of this mediocre Sony exclusive. Then again, with the rise of grifters who make money by being racist and having unpopular takes, maybe we do deserve this remaster. Most of their audiences are gamers, and we somehow allow them to exist, hence our current punishment.

Days Gone Remastered comes out on April 25, 2025, so players who want an okay zombie game can pick it up on PS5 and PC. They can also pick up Resident Evil 4, the remake, and the original if they want a good zombie shooter.