When Is PlayStation Wrap-Up 2020 Available? Release Date and More

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If you were fortunate enough to snag a PS5 over the holiday season or even during its initial release, you have been enjoying the excellent selection of games playable to fans.

However, even if you owned a PS4 during the course of 2020, there is something coming to you very soon.

This of course is the PlayStation Wrapped 2020, Sony's take on the Spotify Wrapped, and Apple Music's iteration of this.

Essentially, this is a recap of the games and how much you played during 2020, and it is quite interesting to look at.

Below is when and how players will be able to view their PlayStation Wrap-Up for 2020! 


Will We Get One

Although Sony has not confirmed nor denied if we are going to get a PlayStation Wrap-Up 2020, we do not see why we wouldn't.

Last year, PlayStation owners received their emails around the middle or end of January.

This was noted by multiple gamers on the PSN forums, as a thread was started on January 3rd by jelkeh11, who writes: 

Are we going to get a playstation 2020 wrap-up? if yes, around which date will we get it?

This sparked replies from many users, including some of the following: 

Last year, mine had a date of 25 January 2020, so hopefully Sony does one again this year at around the same time, as it's quite interesting for me to check out the stats. - ccase137

Last year, the Highlights/Wrap-Up mail arrived around mid January (at least from checking my inbox), but it's up to Sony to do it. There's no real way to know what they'll do or when. - Folkenio

So, for now, we will have to wait and see if/when Sony sends out those emails.

Be sure to check your email box or junk mail within the next couple of weeks, as we do not know which folder it will end up in!