MX Guardian

The MX Guardian is a shotgun available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023).

Last Updated 11 Jan 2024 at 15:36 pm GMT
mw3 MX Guardian loadouts Image
MX Guardian

What are the best Modern Warfare 3 MX Guardian attachments?

After spending some time in the gunsmith testing a number of different combinations, we've found a set that suits the MX Guardian's characteristics perfectly:

  • Barrel: HYP-LM
  • Laser: 1MW Artemis LAser
  • Stock: EXF Impact Pad
  • Underbarrel: Kimura RYN-03 Vertical
  • Rear Grip: XRK Rush

The HYP-LM barrel prevents any damage drop-off when spraying a barrage of gunfire with the MX Guardian while the 1MW Artemis Laser is perfect for ensuring some amount of hipfire accuracy is maintained.

Thanks to the shotgun's incredibly fast rate of fire, taming recoil can be tricky. Thankfully, the XRK Rush and Kimura RYN-03 Vertical Grip enable you to keep some kind of control.

For a boost in aim-down sight and sprint-to-fire speed, the EXF Impact Pad is perfect for ensuring fast reaction times. It's very easy to come out of a sprint before decimating the target with the shotgun in hand.

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