
The SO-14 is a battle rifle available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023)

Last Updated 08 Jan 2024 at 13:45 pm GMT
mw3 SO-14 loadouts Image

Best Modern Warfare 3 SO-14 attachments

After testing numerous attachment combinations to improve the performance of the SO-14, we've settled on this set of five that delivers improvements across the board:

  • Barrel: 22 Factory Fourteen Barrel
  • Optic: Nydar Model 2023
  • Stock: SO R55 Adaptor
  • Underbarrel: XRK Edge BW-4 Handstop
  • Rear Grip: FSS Spider Grip

Up first is the 22" Factory Fourteen Barrel which bolsters damage range, bullet velocity, and hipfire accuracy for those occasions where there's no time to aim down sights. Speaking of aiming down sights, we've opted for the Nydar Model 2023 optic for a clear view of the action.

To reduce aim-down sight speeds, the SO R55 Adaptor and the XRK Edge BW-4 Handstop pair together perfectly to guarantee fast reaction times as soon as an opponent appears in your line of sight.

Last and by no means least is the FSS Spider Grip which tames recoil enough for you to dominate with the SO-14 in semi-automatic mode.

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