With the FIFA 21 Beta dropping, tonnes of new info regarding skill moves, the soundtrack, celebrations and plenty more have started to be released!
Here are all the Skill Moves in FIFA 21, along with the PS4 controls needed to execute them!
Read More: FIFA 21 Gameplay Features Summary: Player Personality, Agile Dribbling, Creative Runs, Positioning Personality, Smoother Encounters And More
PS4 > Xbox Controls
Given that all of these Skill Moves will be posted with the PS4 control layouts, here are the PS4 to Xbox controls.
X = A
⃞ = X
O = B
△ = Y
R1 = RB
R2 = RT
L1 = LB
L2 = LT
RS = Right Stick
LS = Left Stick
1 Star Skill Moves
Bridge Skill: Double Tap R1
Directional Nutmeg: Hold L1 + R1 + RS Direction
Ball Juggle (while standing): L2 + R1 Tap
Open Up Fake Shot Left: Hold L1 + ⃞ or O then X + LS ↖
Open Up Fake Shot Right: Hold L1 + ⃞ or O then X + LS ↗
Flick Up For Volley: Hold L1 + R3
2 Star Skill Moves
Feint Forward and Turn: RS Flick ↓↓
Body Feint Right: RS Flick →
Body Feight Left: RS Flick ←
Stepover Right: RS to top, rotate from top to right
Stepover Left RS to top, rotate from top to left
Reverse Stepover Right RS to right, rotate from right to top
Reverse Stepover Left RS to left, rotate from left to top
Ball Roll Left RS Hold ←
Ball Roll Right RS Hold →
Drag Back L1 + R1 + LS Flick ↓
3 Star Skill Moves
Heel Flick RS Flick ↑↓
Roulette Right RS to bottom, rotate ¾ to the left
Roulette Left RS to bottom, rotate ¾ to the right
Fake Left & Go Right RS to left, rotate ½ to the right
Fake Right & Go Left RS to right, rotate ½ to the left
Heel Chop Left (While Running) Hold L2 + ⃞ or O then X + LS Hold ←
Heel Chop Right (While Running) Hold L2 + ⃞ or O then X + LS Hold →
Feint Left & Exit Right RS to left, rotate ½ to the right
Feint Right & Exit Left RS to right, rotate ½ to the left
4 Star Skill Moves
Ball Hop (While Standing) Hold L1 + R3
Heel To Heel Flick RS Flick ↑↓
Simple Rainbow Flick RS Flick ↓↑↑
Spin Left RS ↙↙
Spin Right RS ↘↘
Stop & Turn Left (While Running) RS Flick ↑ Flick ←
Stop & Turn Right (While Running) RS Flick ↑ Flick →
Ball Roll Cut Right RS Hold ← LS Hold →
Ball Roll Cut Left RS Hold → LS Hold ←
Fake Pass (While Standing) Hold R2 + ⃞ or O then X
Fake Pass Exit Left (Standing) Hold R2 + ⃞ or O then X + LS ↖
Fake Pass Exit Right (Standing) Hold R2 + ⃞ or O then X + LS ↗
Quick Ball Rolls RS Hold ↓
Drag To Heel Hold L1 + RS Flick ↓ Flick ← or →
Lane Change Left Hold L1 + RS Hold ←
Lane Change Right Hold L1 + RS Hold →
Three Touch Roulette Left Hold L2 + RS Flick ↓ Flick ←
Three Touch Roulette Right Hold L2 + RS Flick ↓ Flick →
Drag Back Spin Left RS Flick ↓ Flick ←
Drag Back Spin Right RS Flick ↓ Flick →
5 Star Skill Moves
Elastico RS to right, rotate ½ to the left
Reverse Elastico RS to the left, rotate ½ to the right
Advanced Rainbow Flick RS Flick ↓ Hold ↑ Flick ↑
Hocus Pocus RS down then rotate to left, then rotate ½ to the right
Triple Elastico RS down then rotate to right, then rotate ½ to the left
Ball Roll & Flick Left (Running) RS Hold → Flick ↑
Ball Roll & Flick Right (Running) RS Hold ← Flick ↑
Heel Flick Turn Hold R1 + RS Flick ↑ Flick ↓
Sombrero Flick (While Standing) RS Flick ↑↑↓
Turn & Spin Left RS Flick ↑←
Turn & Spin Right RS Flick ↑→
Ball Roll Fake Left (Standing) RS Hold ← then RS Flick →
Ball Roll Fake Right (Standing) RS Hold → then RS Flick ←
Ball Roll Fake Turn Hold L2 + RS Flick ↑ Flick ← or →
Elastico Chop Left Hold R1 + RS to right, rotate ½ to the left
Elastico Chop Right Hold R1 + RS to left, rotate ½ to the right
Spin Flick Left Hold R1 + RS Flick ↑ Flick ←
Spin Flick Right Hold R1 + RS Flick ↑ Flick →
Flick Over Hold L1 + RS Hold ↑
Tornado Spin Left Hold L1 + RS Flick ↑ Flick ←
Tornado Spin Right Hold L1 + RS Flick ↑ Flick →
Rabona Fake (while jogging) Hold L2 + ⃞ or O then X + LS ↓
5 Star Skill Moves (Juggling)
Laces Flick Up L2 + Hold R1
Sombrero Flick Backwards Hold LS ↓
Sombrero Flick Left Hold LS ←
Sombrero Flick Right Hold LS →
Around the World Spin RS right or left through 360°
In Air Elastico RS Flick → Flick ←
Reverse In Air Elastico RS Flick ← Flick →
Flick Up For Volley Hold LS ↑
Chest Flick Hold L2 + R3 x2
T. Around The World Rotate RS clockwise then RS Flick ↑