How to get nightmare sigils in Diablo 4

How to get Nightmare Sigils in Diablo 4

How to get Nightmare Sigils in Diablo 4

Are you trying to figure out how to get Nightmare Sigils in Diablo 4? There’s an exciting endgame activity involved in the process. In Nightmare Dungeons in Diablo 4, players are given the chance to obtain special consumable items. These dungeons increase the difficulty level of the game and make it easier to get more powerful equipment for your character, so they’re worth unlocking.

If you’re looking to obtain better rewards for completing dungeons, you’ll want to unlock Nightmare Dungeons. And for that - you are going to need to find some Nightmare Sigils in Diablo 4. Getting your hands on them is part of the main story campaign, but there are several things that you need to do before you can access them. Let’s find out what they are, and how to get Nightmare Sigils in Diablo 4!

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How to get Nightmare Sigils in Diablo 4

The first thing you’ll need to do if you want to unlock the Nightmare Sigils is to complete the campaign. After this step, the post-campaign quests will begin.

One of them involves going to the Capstone Dungeon in Kyovashad to clear the area. This is a dungeon that will allow you to unlock World Tier 3, which is required to unlock Nightmare Dungeons. Once you have unlocked World Tier 3, you can switch your difficulty over and begin to explore the world of Diablo 4 on a whole new level.

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There are two primary ways to obtain Nightmare Sigils. The first is as a random reward from the Tree of Whispers upon opening a cache. The second is as a random drop or a reward upon completing a dungeon.

Once you have cleared the Capstone Dungeon, make your way to The Whispering Tree. At this stage, you will need to collect 10 Grim Favors to be offered a choice of three reward caches. One of them contains your very first Nightmare Sigil. Now, you can begin farming them.

How to farm Nightmare Sigils in Diablo 4

The best way to farm these Sigils is to play on World Tier 3, as you will get them in your loot drops. All you need is some luck with the RNG drops. While free-roam exploration will get you some Sigils, you should ideally opt for Whispers of the Dead bounties, Helltide Events, and Nightmare Dungeons.

When you're in the Nightmare Dungeons, random enemies might drop Sigils. Keep in mind that stronger enemies have a better chance of dropping more Sigils, so don’t avoid them! Also, look out for Sigils that drop at the end of the dungeon.

When you have a Nightmare Sigil and you want to use it, go to the corresponding dungeon and switch to the consumables tab in your inventory. Here, you will be able to use the sigil to turn the regular dungeon into its Nightmare version. Nightmare Dungeons are mostly the same as regular ones, but with additional modifiers based on the Nightmare Sigil you used.

We hope that this guide helped you to get Nightmare Sigils in Diablo 4! If you liked this guide, make sure to take a look at our guides on the Barrier and The Onyx Watchtower Stronghold.