No Man's Sky offers limitless exploration, boasting a universe of procedurally generated galaxies that create vast and diverse experiences for every player.
Despite the infinite variety, the game follows a structured pattern, with the same 257 galaxies as of 2025, and has not changed since 2023, with two that are not explorable. Understanding these galaxies can help you chart your course through this immense universe.
Our guide will give you a complete list of all No Man's Sky galaxies to help you navigate and plan your interstellar journey.
And for more relevant No Man’s Sky guides, you can also check our articles on how to find space stations and how to increase starship storage.
List of all galaxies in No Man's Sky
No Man's Sky has 255 galaxies that you can visit. You can collect tons of unique resources, like Dixoite and Cadium, in each to develop your character and progress through the game.
Here is a list of all 255 galaxies that you can currently visit in No Man’s Sky:
- Euclid
- Hilbert Dimension
- Calypso
- Hesperius Dimension
- Hyades
- Ickjamatew
- Budullangr
- Kikolgallr
- Eltiensleen
- Eissentam
- Elkupalos
- Aptarkaba
- Ontiniangp
- Odiwagiri
- Ogtialabi
- Muhacksonto
- Hitonskyer
- Rerasmutul
- Isdoraijung
- Doctinawyra
- Loychazinq
- Zukasizawa
- Ekwathore
- Yeberhahne
- Twerbetek
- Sivarates
- Eajerandal
- Aldukesci
- Wotyarogii
- Sudzerbal
- Maupenzhay
- Sugueziume
- Brogoweldian
- Ehbogdenbu
- Ijsenufryos
- Nipikulha
- Autsurabin
- Lusontrygiamh
- Rewmanawa
- Ethiophodhe
- Urastrykle
- Xobeurindj
- Oniijialdu
- Wucetosucc
- Ebyeloof
- Odyavanta
- Milekistri
- Waferganh
- Agnusopwit
- Teyaypilny
- Zalienkosm
- Ladgudiraf
- Mushonponte
- Amsentisz
- Fladiselm
- Laanawemb
- Ilkerloor
- Davanossi
- Ploehrliou
- Corpinyaya
- Leckandmeram
- Quulngais
- Nokokipsechl
- Rinblodesa
- Loydporpen
- Ibtrevskip
- Elkowaldb
- Heholhofsko
- Yebrilowisod
- Husalvangewi
- Ovna'uesed
- Bahibusey
- Nuybeliaure
- Doshawchuc
- Ruckinarkh
- Thorettac
- Nuponoparau
- Moglaschil
- Uiweupose
- Nasmilete
- Ekdaluskin
- Hakapanasy
- Dimonimba
- Cajaccari
- Olonerovo
- Umlanswick
- Henayliszm
- Utzenmate
- Umirpaiya
- Paholiang
- Iaereznika
- Yudukagath
- Boealalosnj
- Yaevarcko
- Coellosipp
- Wayndohalou
- Smoduraykl
- Apmaneessu
- Hicanpaav
- Akvasanta
- Tuychelisaor
- Rivskimbe
- Daksanquix
- Kissonlin
- Aediabiel
- Ulosaginyik
- Roclaytonycar
- Kichiaroa
- Irceauffey
- Nudquathsenfe
- Getaizakaal
- Hansolmien
- Bloytisagra
- Ladsenlay
- Luyugoslasr
- Ubredhatk
- Cidoniana
- Jasinessa
- Torweierf
- Saffneckm
- Thnistner
- Dotusingg
- Luleukous
- Jelmandan
- Otimanaso
- Enjaxusanto
- Sezviktorew
- Zikehpm
- Bephembah
- Broomerrai
- Meximicka
- Venessika
- Gaiteseling
- Zosakasiro
- Drajayanes
- Ooibekuar
- Urckiansi
- Dozivadido
- Emiekereks
- Meykinunukur
- Kimycuristh
- Roansfien
- Isgarmeso
- Daitibeli
- Gucuttarik
- Enlaythie
- Drewweste
- Akbulkabi
- Homskiw
- Zavainlani
- Jewijkmas
- Itlhotagra
- Podalicess
- Hiviusauer
- Halsebenk
- Puikitoac
- Gaybakuaria
- Grbodubhe
- Rycempler
- Indjalala
- Fontenikk
- Pasycihelwhee
- Ikbaksmit
- Telicianses
- Oyleyzhan
- Uagerosat
- Impoxectin
- Twoodmand
- Hilfsesorbs
- Ezdaranit
- Wiensanshe
- Ewheelonc
- Litzmantufa
- Emarmatosi
- Mufimbomacvi
- Wongquarum
- Hapirajua
- Igbinduina
- Wepaitvas
- Sthatigudi
- Yekathsebehn
- Ebedeagurst
- Nolisonia
- Ulexovitab
- Iodhinxois
- Irroswitzs
- Bifredait
- Beiraghedwe
- Yeonatlak
- Cugnatachh
- Nozoryenki
- Ebralduri
- Evcickcandj
- Ziybosswin
- Heperclait
- Sugiuniam
- Aaseertush
- Uglyestemaa
- Horeroedsh
- Drundemiso
- Ityanianat
- Purneyrine
- Dokiessmat
- Nupiacheh
- Dihewsonj
- Rudrailhik
- Tweretnort
- Snatreetze
- Iwundaracos
- Digarlewena
- Erquagsta
- Logovoloin
- Boyaghosganh
- Kuolungau
- Pehneldept
- Yevettiiqidcon
- Sahliacabru
- Noggalterpor
- Chmageaki
- Veticueca
- Vittesbursul
- Nootanore
- Innebdjerah
- Kisvarcini
- Cuzcogipper
- Pamanhermonsu
- Brotoghek
- Mibittara
- Huruahili
- Raldwicarn
- Ezdartlic
- Badesclema
- Isenkeyan
- Iadoitesu
- Yagrovoisi
- Ewcomechio
- Inunnunnoda
- Dischiutun
- Yuwarugha
- Ialmendra
- Reponudrle
- Rinjanagrbo
- Zeziceloh
- Oeileutasc
- Zicniijinis
- Dugnowarilda
- Neuxoisan
- Ilmenhorn
- Rukwatsuku
- Nepitzaspru
- Chcehoemig
- Haffneyrin
- Uliciawai
- Tuhgrespod
- Iousongola
There is also a couple of galaxies that you can’t visit. These are Yilsrussimil and Odyalutai, which are considered Galaxy #256 and #257, respectively. These galaxies were made unreachable by natural, in-game methods following the Atlas Rises update, which launched in 2017.
Prior to the Atlas Rises update, players that reached the center of the Odyalutai galaxy were then transported to the Yilsrussimil galaxy. However, following the update, there is no natural way of reaching either galaxy. Instead, there are only a couple of official ways to make your way to either of the galaxies.
Players can join on someone that is already in either galaxy via a multiplayer session, go through the Nexus to visit another player's base, or use a save editor. Aside from that, you won't be able to warp to either the Yilsrussimil or Odyalutai galaxies in No Man's Sky as of 2025.
Good luck with your further exploration of all these worlds! And while you are still here, check our other guides on the new Interceptor update in No Man's Sky, including finding Dissonant Systems, Radiant Shards, and Atlantideum.