Halo Infinite Multiplayer Season 1 Is Out Now

Halo Infinite multiplayer season 1 is available now in beta mode. Microsoft made the surprise - or not-so-surprise - announcement during its 20th anniversary livestream. At the time of writing, Halo Infinite's multiplayer is available to download on Steam, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and the Xbox app on PC. Some are reporting issues downloading it on console and the Xbox app, though it could simply be a matter of demand.

The Xbox cloud version will be available later today, Microsoft said.

While the Xbox Series X is a little tougher to come by, Xbox Series S is currently available at Amazon at the time of writing if you need a Halo machine.

Halo Infinite Multiplayer Season 1 Is Out Now

The Halo Infinite multiplayer beta lets you carry full progress to the full version when it launches December 8. It also includes all maps and modes available in the final version, as well as the Academy training mode and the Battle Pass. Microsoft said the season length means everyone should have a chance to clear all 100 levels of the Battle Pass.

The first major event is Fracture: Tenrai, a limited time event with samurai-themed gear up for grabs.

Season 1 lasts until May 2022, but if you play between now and November 22, you'll get a set of exclusive items:

A collection of items available for those who play Halo Infinite's free multiplayer mode before November 22, 2021
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While some rumors pointed to a Halo Infinite campaign demo also releasing today, that has yet to materialize. Microsoft made no mention of it in the 20th anniversary announcement either, so we'll just have to wait a bit longer to get a glimpse at Halo Infinite's campaign.

Playing Halo Infinite's campaign will also unlock exclusive cosmetics in multiplayer, though 343 and Microsoft didn't say what those are just yet.

Read more: Halo Infinite previews are dropping, and it sounds amazing

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