Paper Mario: The Origami King: Super Mario Goal Pole Easter Egg Guide

Paper Mario: The Origami King is being touted as a delightful adventure with many quirky moments and colourful characters.

This charming Switch title is Mario's sixth paper-based outing and in true Paper Mario fashion, a few cheesy easter eggs have been laid around.

The most notable, which can be discovered early in the game is the Super Mario Goal Pole.

How To Do The Super Mario Goal Pole Easter Egg

In the original Super Mario games, Mario would complete a level by grabbing onto a long pole (usually dishing out more points for landing higher up the pole).

In the opening area along Picnic Road, Mario will come across a gold putting green, complete with a bunker and a flag.

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Make your way onto the green and use your hammer to slam on the floor, a block staircase will emerge out of the ground.

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Climb up the blocks and jump onto the flag, this will reward you with 7 toads and some coins!