Battlefield 6 Battle Royale: Firestorm 2.0 Rumors, Gameplay Changes And More!

Battlefield 6 is set to release in 2021, however, fans are hoping we get some news regarding it at next months EA Play.

One aspect of Battlefield that is not talked about much is its battle royale game mode.

Although it is viewed as one of the weaker battle royal's out there, DICE have had an ample amount of time to improve on it for Battlefield 6.

So, will it be in the next Battlefield game? Let's take a look!

Firestorm 2.0?

Although there are little details out there about Battlefield 6, as DICE has been relatively quiet since they announced the 2021 release date.

One can assume we are going to get a battle royale once again when the game fully releases next year.

Firestorm was DICE's take on a battle royale in Battlefield V and it was released a few months after the release of the game.


There's not much talk about Firestorm anymore and for good reason - the game mode fizzled out due to a lack of updates and evolution. Growth and constant evolution is what makes Battle Royale games so appealing and a number of games do it so well.

Call of Duty Warzone, Battlefield's closest competition, has shown exactly what some time and attention can do for its growth in this area.

The Battlefield franchise is well known for good community support and strategically thought out content updates. One of its most successful content drops, Bad Company 2's Vietnam expansion, is a testament to that.

Firestorm was never seen as more as a chance to jump on the bandwagon and hopefully entertain a new audience.

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It's clear it was always an afterthought rather than a standalone experience. With the game not releasing until 2021, as well as debuting on next-generation consoles, DICE can learn from the errors in the past as well as take note of what others are doing so well.

Battlefield has been notoriously stereotyped for being slower-paced and more strategic (a nicer way of saying "less campy") and they've made great strides to rectify this in recent years.

Battlefield has great mechanics and gameplay and introducing that into a Battle Royale mode is a sure-fire winner if it's done properly.

When it comes to the release of Battlefield 6, we will not be surprised if there is a battle royale game mode. One that is for certain going to be better than Firestorm!

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