What Does CT Mean in Valorant?

Valorant Agents Sova, Phoenix, Viper, Jett and Cypher are shown.

Valorant Agents Sova, Phoenix, Viper, Jett and Cypher are shown.

Valorant is far from the most original game out there, but as far as free-to-play shooters go, it’s a pretty solid title and one that has given experienced gamers a lot of enjoyment. Sadly, that experience can be a bit annoying for fans who haven’t been playing competitive multiplayer all their life, as veteran gamers tend to use terms that Valorant players just aren’t familiar with. 

In this guide, we explain what CT means in Valorant.

Read More: Valorant: How To Change Region

What Does CT Mean in Valorant?

Case in point, there are players who shout about “CT” in Valorant and younger or less experienced gamers have no idea what this “CT” is. The term actually comes from Counter-Strike, an older game that a lot of multiplayer shooter fans are familiar with, with CT standing for “Counter-Terrorist”.

Who are the CTs in Valorant? Apparently, those that have to guard bases or defuse bombs. It should be an inoffensive term that Valorant players can live with. However, with the amount of times the term is used, some players are getting annoyed, especially since the term is not for Valorant, and is for an entirely different game.

You could argue that the CT term is acceptable in Valorant since the game has similar roles and goals to Counter-Strike, but that doesn’t make the constant callbacks to it any less annoying.

We aren’t dissing Counter-Strike, as the game is a strong title that helped reinvigorate the multiplayer shooter genre in a number of countries, but having to see the term used in Valorant must not be fun for its players.

You don’t see Star Trek fans call expendable characters in Star Wars “red shirts,” and if they do, avoid contact and stay away from them. Fortunately, you can block enemy team communications in Valorant if needs be.

PC players can download Valorant right now, since it's a free-to-play shooter. We discuss the download size and where to install it here, and explain exactly how to get better at the game here.

This article was updated on the 20th of December 2021 by Kelsey Raynor.