Assassin’s Creed: Shadows Leak Reveals New Screenshots and Positive Previews

The lead character of AC Shadows
Credit: Ubisoft

The lead character of AC Shadows
Credit: Ubisoft

Assassin’s Creed: Shadows has faced two major delays now, but that might be a good thing in the long run. New screenshots of the game have leaked, alongside some hands-on impressions for this title, which indicate positive things. Leaks are nothing new to the Ubisoft franchise, but they do indicate a good time with this stealth-based RPG.

This post by Ajxtt from the Gaming Leaks subreddit has shown plenty of screenshots for the new game. Based on the screengrabs, it looks like there’s going to be plenty of ninja-based stealth elements, which should make fans of the genre happy. We’re also getting plenty of fun samurai action, looking like the more RPG-based entries in the series.

Beyond screenshots, the post for this Assassin’s Creed: Shadows leak also reveals some positive impressions from Gaming Trends. It seems that this preview was filmed in advance, showing just how delayed this game has been. Only time will tell if Shadows will make a big impact on the gaming scene, but so far so good.

Shadows has been a pretty controversial entry in the series. There’s a section of “fans” who are choosing to be racist towards the game for having a black protagonist, even though he was a real figure in Japan. Others are more bothered by the usual Ubisoft business practices, as it’s packed with special editions and DLC.

Hopefully, the final product will be enough for fans to judge Assassin’s Creed: Shadows fairly. In the end, fans should try this game first and see if they like what Ubisoft has to offer. The delays may not have been great, but they should realistically give these developers more time to make this a quality title.

For more gaming leaks, check out the potential Resident Evil 0 remake that Capcom might be making. We also wrote about how the Sonic 3 movie might have been split in two, just like the original Genesis game.