Call of Duty: Warzone: Battle Pass Information For The Modern Warfare Battle Royale

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Season 2 just launched the game's second Battle Pass, but with a Battle Royale title on the way could there be another available for purchase?

Warzone Launched 3PM GMT on March 10th. 

It was released as a free-to-play standalone game for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. But will it have a Battle Pass?

March 9th Trailer

Unfortunately, the March 9th trailer didn't give any new information in regards to a Battle Pass.

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Call of Duty Modern Warfare: Warzone Battle Royale Battle Pass Explained

It appears that the battle pass in Modern Warfare is not just exclusive to the multiplayer mode and will be added to the battle royale!

Photo via TheGamingRevolution

TheGamingRevolution posted these screenshots claiming that "Season 1 stuff is also within BR, so are they doing Season 1 again for Battle Royale as a second chance to earn stuff? Or is this just being misinterpreted?"

Photo via TheGamingRevolution