Daredevil Game: Release Date, Trailer, Leaks, Gameplay, Rumors, Story and Everything You Need To Know

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Daredevil is regarded as one of the most beloved and popular Marvel series.

We have seen Daredevil become more mainstream as of late, as the skin was obtainable within Fortnite back in the Fall of 2020.

Now, it appears there may be a Daredevil game coming soon; as there have been multiple teasers posted by voice actors within the games industry. 

Here's what we know! 



News broke out on social media over the week that there may be development regarding a Daredevil game.

This comes after Troy Baker, a voice actor from The Last of Us series; has commented multiple times that he seeks to portray Matt Murdock within a potential Daredevil game. 

As well, Troy Baker has posted the following tweet regarding this potential role: 

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Release Date

There is now news into whether or not this Daredevil game is actually going to release.

For now, we will have to wait and see if this becomes a reality within the next year or so! 



After Square Enix's mixed result in producing The Avengers title back in the Fall of 2020; fans have had a sour note left in their mouth regarding superhero games.

Some choices we believe could tackle this project include: 

  • EA
  • Ubisoft? 
  • WB Games Montréal
  • Sony

We will be sure to update this page as we hear more information regarding the possibility of a Daredevil title!