Loop Hero Classes: How to Unlock Warrior, Rogue and Necromancer Explained

Loop Hero can be a pretty intimidating game when you first start playing. Over time however, you’ll learn more about the multiple systems at play in each loop, and even unlock new classes to play around with. The three classes in Loop Hero are Warrior, Rogue and Necromancer. You’ll need to unlock each one before you use them, with each class offering a different set of stats and gear. Here’s how to unlock Necromancer, Rogue and Warrior classes in Loop Hero, as well as some info on the differences between each one.

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Loop Hero Warrior Class: Gear, Stats and How to Unlock

To unlock the Warrior class in Loop Hero you will simply need to start the game. It’s the starting class, and offers no particular bonuses or weaknesses. It’s a great class to run while you get to grips with the game. Here’s the gear that you can get while running the Warrior Class:

  • Weapon
  • Shield
  • Ring
  • Armor
  • Bonus Slot (can be a helmet if Arsenal card is in deck)

As well as the gear listed here, you’ll also want to take a look at the various stats that come into play once you start with the Warrior class. Here’s all of the Warrior stats and what each one means.

  • Damage - damage dealt to enemies
  • Damage to All - Damage dealt to all enemies during an attack
  • Defense - How much damage will be resisted per attack
  • Evasion - % chance you’ll dodge an attack
  • Counter - % chance you’ll counter an attack
  • Vampirism - % of damage you deal that comes back as HP
  • Regen - HP Regen per sec
  • Attack Speed - speeds up attack cycle

The Warrior class is best paired with defensive stats like Evasion, as your damage will increase for each second of a fight. Try to experiment with builds here, starting with gear that boosts HP, and then gear that boosts evasion. Make sure to unlock the Smelter and the Smithy to make the most of this class.

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Loop Hero Necromancer Class: How to Unlock, Stats and Gear

Next up is the Necromancer Class. It’s one of the harder ones to get used to, but once you do it can be extremely useful. You’ll rely on summoning instead of fighting battles yourself, bringing skeleton soldiers into play. Because of this, the Necromancer is very different to the other two classes. To unlock the Necromancer class in Loop Hero, you will need to build the Cemetery and then the Crypt Building. Here’s the gear you’ll have access to after choosing Necromancer:

  • Ring x2
  • Amulet
  • Book
  • Bonus Slot: Shield granted if Arsenal is in play.

As you can see, you have access to less gear with the Necromancer class. Because of this, you need to pay extra attention to the stats on offer here. They are as follows:

  • Attack Speed - Summoning speed of skeletons
  • Defense - How much damage will be resisted per attack
  • Evasion - % chance that you’ll dodge an attack
  • Regen - HP Regen per sec
  • Skeleton Power - Basically how high the HP, defense stats are on your skeletons
  • Summon Quality - Determines type of skeleton being summoned

My main tip with Necromancer is to prioritise Attack Speed and Level initially. Bring Forest and River Cards onto the board to improve your attack speed. Being able to summon more skeletons quickly is key.

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Loop Hero Rogue Class: How to Unlock, Stats and Gear

To unlock the Rogue class in Loop Hero you will need to first unlock the Field Kitchen and then the Refuge building. Doing so will give you access to the dual-wielding Rogue Class. The main perk of using the Rogue class is that enemies will drop trophies which will give you better loot once you get back to your campfire. Here’s the gear available if you pick the Rogue class in Loop Hero:

  • Weapon x2
  • Armor
  • Boots
  • Bonus Slot - Will give you an amulet if Arsenal is in play

As a Rogue you will not have access to a shield or rings. This can make it difficult to play defensively. You’ll need to know what stats are available to you and what each one does. Here are the stats you can manage while playing Rogue:

  • Damage - damage dealt to enemies
  • Damage to All - Damage dealt to all enemies during an attack
  • Counter - % chance you’ll counter an attack
  • Evasion - % chance you’ll dodge an attack entirely
  • Critical Chance - % chance your attack will deal Crit damage
  • Attack Speed - Speed of attack cycle
  • Defense - Damage resisted on hit
  • Critical Damage - Damage dealt during a Critical Hit
  • Vampirism - % of damage you deal that comes back as HP

The best way to get ahead as a Rogue is to focus on Damage, Damage to All and Attack Speed. Your Critical Chance should help you get past most enemies with ease, allowing you to build up more trophies. When offered Perks, choose ones which add HP with each trophy. Set down plenty of enemies and get as many trophies as you can. Make sure you have Desert and Sand Dunes equipped when heading into battle, you can place these down to lower enemy HP, eventually allowing you to one shot whole mobs.

What is the Best Class in Loop Hero?

Loop Hero is surprisingly well balanced, so much so that all three classes seem equally viable once you get past a certain point in the game. I will say that Warrior is easily the best for your first 10 hours with the game, as it allows you to get to grips with the basics of the game, and has relatively easy to understand stats. Once you feel ready, move onto the Necromancer, this will teach you to play the game in a completely different way. Rogue can be really fun once you’ve unlocked more cards to play around with, particularly the Desert and Sand Dune cards. Try out each class and see what you prefer, I do think that the Warrior class is the easiest to wrap your head around at first though.

That’s all you need to know about the Classes in Loop Hero. Now that you know how to unlock Rogue and Necromancer, head over to our Deck Building Guide for a look at all of the cards you can unlock. Once you’re done there, take a look at our guide on how Vampirism works.