PS5 DualSense Controller Utilises In-Game Sounds To Generate Vibrations

As the countdown for the release of the next-gen consoles continues, a lot of consumers are interested in how the controllers are evolving.

The controller is a significant component of the console and the experience it provides to the player.

Sony has been particularly vocal about the DuelSense controller that will come alongside the PlayStation 5.

A recent report from Sony has revealed the DuelSense's ability to generate haptic feedback based on in-game sound effects.

DuelSense Controller's Haptic Feedback

It appears Sony has designed the DuelSense controller with game developers in mind.

As the report states, "Although DualSense will allow for more realistic game experiences, creators will also need more time and know-how to create high-quality vibrations."

Sony has attempted to make the process of implementing haptic feedback easier for game developers.

For example, the controller should be capable of generating its own haptic feedback based on in-game sound effects.

"We studied and examined different algorithms while getting advice from experts... this allowed us to automate the generation of high-quality vibration waveforms to a certain extent, making it look as if they were created manually by the creators.”

It'll be interesting to see how effective this automated system is on the DuelSense Controller.

it's certainly an exciting feature that has not only the player but the developer in mind.

You can check out the latest news on the next-gen consoles here.