Resident Evil 3 Remake: How to unlock Mercenaries mode

Resident Evil 3 Remake is launching on April 3rd for PS4, Xbox One, and PC players, and brings a whole multiplayer game called Project Resistance.

That said, fans are curious as to whether the long-running Mercenaries Mode will be returning.

Here's what we know so far.

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Read More: Resident Evil 3 Remake: Release Date, Pre-Order, Collector's Edition, Demo And Everything You Need To Know For PS4 And PC

Resident Evil 3: Remake – Is Mercenaries Mode Unlockable?

Bad news, Mercenaries fans – the mode won't be returning in this remake. Despite fleshing out the original's story, Resident Evil 3: Remake has cut the mode.

Usually unlocked after the campaign, Mercenaries usually consists of a time-based run through the game's locales where kills earn money and bonus time.

It's disappointing that it won't be returning, especially with the more action-focused combat we've seen so far – but at least we have Project Resistance to keep us logging in.