Xbox Series S Lockhart Codename Meaning Revealed By Microsoft

Microsoft's projects are known for their mysterious codenames.

One of which was project 'Lockhart'.

This turned out to be the Xbox Series S, a slightly less powerful version of the Xbox Series X.

Despite the reveal of the consoles, fans were wondering why the codename 'Lockhart' was chosen.

Well, Aaron Greenberg has provided us with the answer.

Lockhart's Meaning

Aaron Greenberg, general manager of Xbox Games, has revealed the meaning behind 'Lockhart'.

In a response on Twitter, Greenberg revealed that the codenames come from cities.

'Lockhart' specifically was inspired by a city of the same name in Texas.

Lockhart is known as 'The Little City with the Big Heart'.

This is particularly relevant to the Xbox Series S as it's a relatively small but powerful console.

As Greenberg states, 'We often use cities as codenames, in this case, it comes from Lockhart, Texas. They are known as "The Little City with the big heart".

It's great to finally find out the meaning behind 'Lockhart'.

Hopefully, this gives us some help with the next Microsoft codename.

But if we're honest, we think Microsoft will be changing their tactic towards codenames now the secret is out.

You can check out the latest news on the next-gen consoles here.