Squad Busters Characters Database

Squad Busters characters database.

1-25 of 27 results
character Rarity Type Unlock Info HP Range Damage Range Special Ability Fusion
squad-busters Mortis characters Image


epicall-rounderorbs 40
  • min1500
  • max5250
  • min175
  • max367
revives up to 4 busted monsters in the squadrevives even more monsters at once
squad-busters Bo characters Image


commonattackerplayer level 16
  • min600
  • max2100
  • min150
  • max300
deals 100% more damage to monstersdeals even more damage to monsters
squad-busters Pam characters Image


rarehealerorbs 10
  • min800
  • max2800
  • min170
  • max348
builds a heal station after opening a chestbuild big heal stations with more range
squad-busters Heavy characters Image


epicdefenderorbs 20
  • min2300
  • max8049
  • min200
  • max400
ranged units in your area attack 35% fasterincreases max shooting speed
squad-busters Tank characters Image


raredefendercomplete quests in beach world.
  • min1200
  • max4200
  • min125
  • max250
tanks overdrive their attack speed occasionally.tanks start with overdrive.
squad-busters Max characters Image


epicspeedsterorbs 40
  • min1100
  • max3850
  • min250
  • max525
boosts squad speed 25% by busting foesboosts squad speed even more
squad-busters Wizard characters Image


rareattackerorbs 10
  • min700
  • max2450
  • min95
  • max194
gives a spell and lets you hold 2 at oncegives an extra spell
squad-busters Trader characters Image


commonsupplierplayer level 36
  • min1100
  • max3850
  • min100
  • max200
gives 2 gems for every 10 coins you collectgives more gems more often
squad-busters Colt characters Image


commonattackerorbs 5
  • min600
  • max2100
  • min200
  • max400
bust 5 foes to fire a piercing bullet stormshoots bigger bullet storms more often
squad-busters Bea characters Image


rareattackerorbs 20
  • min900
  • max3150
  • min200
  • max410
find a hive to get 3 bees circling the squadgets a hive with double the bees
squad-busters Shelly characters Image


commonall-rounderplayer level 18
  • min900
  • max3150
  • min190
  • max379
bust 5 foes to fire a stunning blastshoots bigger blasts more often
squad-busters Hog Rider characters Image

Hog Rider

rarespeedsterorbs 10
  • min1500
  • max5250
  • min150
  • max307
turbo recovers quickly while in tall grassturbo recovers even faster in tall grass
squad-busters Barbarian King characters Image

Barbarian King

epicdefenderorbs 20
  • min3200
  • max11200
  • min145
  • max304
melee units attack 25% fastermelee units attack even faster
squad-busters Nita characters Image


raredefendercompleting quests in desert world
  • min1200
  • max4200
  • min125
  • max256
summons a tough bear to defend the squadsummons a giant bear
squad-busters Witch characters Image


epicattackercomplete 9 quests
  • min1000
  • max3500
  • min230
  • max483
summons skeleton allies repeatedlysummons more skeletons even faster
squad-busters El Primo characters Image

El Primo

commondefenderplayer level 1
  • min2000
  • max7000
  • min100
  • max200
bust 5 foes to do a jumping slam attackdoes bigger jumping slams more often
squad-busters Battle Healer characters Image

Battle Healer

epichealerorbs 40
  • min1800
  • max6300
  • min120
  • max252
fully heals and boosts squad health by 600boosts health even more
squad-busters Greg characters Image


commonsupplierplayer level 1
  • min1100
  • max3850
  • min100
  • max200
can chop down trees for lootchops down trees in one swing
squad-busters Dynamike characters Image


rareattackerorbs 10
  • min800
  • max2800
  • min95
  • max194
blows up wide areas with each attackbigger explosions burn for extra damage
squad-busters Barbarian characters Image


commonall-rounderplayer level 1
  • min1200
  • max4200
  • min140
  • max280
becomes an elite after fightinginstantly becomes elite barbarian
squad-busters Goblin characters Image


commonsupplierplayer level 4
  • min900
  • max3150
  • min200
  • max400
gives 7 coins instantly, bust 10 foes for 4 moregives more coins more often
squad-busters Royale King characters Image

Royale King

epicdefendercomplete quests in royal world
  • min2200
  • max7700
  • min115
  • max241
deploys royal recruits after opening a chestdeploys giant royal recruits
squad-busters Penny characters Image


raresuppliercomplete quests in desert world
  • min1100
  • max3850
  • min230
  • max460
discovers hidden treasurediscovers even more hidden treasure
squad-busters Medic characters Image


rarehealerorbs 10
  • min900
  • max3150
  • min125
  • max256
heals the squad continuouslyhealing becomes more powerful
squad-busters Mavis characters Image


commonsupplierplayer level 39
  • min800
  • max2800
  • min110
  • max220
picks carrots for loot and barrage attackspicks and holds more carrots at once