Modders Add Mai’s Best Outfit to Street Fighter 6

Mai Shiranui in her gorgeous casual outfit
Credit: Capcom/SNK

Mai Shiranui in her gorgeous casual outfit
Credit: Capcom/SNK

Mai Shiranui has had a chokehold on the FGC since her casual outfit was revealed for Street Fighter 6. This Mai fit only appears in the character select screen before she changes to either her classic outfit or her modern City of the Wolves look. Luckily, modders are here to save the day, immediately adding this amazing getup to Capcom’s fighter.

Fans will be able to download her look through Nexus Mods, thanks to Mighty2Noob. Anyone familiar with the game’s mods should be able to add this look with no issue, assuming they’ve already paid for Mai. Once again, it’s an incredible look for the character and we wouldn’t be too surprised if it pops up in Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves.

While this outfit for Mai in Street Fighter 6 is great, there are some setbacks when modding it to the game. Players will have to replace one of her in-game costumes for the casual outfit, which is a shame. Both her classic and modern attires are great, so picking which one gets removed is going to be hard for fans.

Mai in her casual outfit from Street Fighter 6
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Credit: Capcom, SNK, Mighty2Noob
Mai's casual outfit from Street Fighter 6

On the bright side, fans can choose if she fights with slippers or…barefoot. So, if you’re even slightly interested in this outfit, another choice has now presented itself.

All jokes aside, Mai has been a great addition to the incredible Street Fighter 6. It doesn’t matter if fans bought her for looks, gameplay, or personality, as the character’s addition has increased the Steam version's sales. Putting her in the same Season Pass as Terry was also a great move since they’re arguably the most popular characters in SNK’s entire history.

So if you want an even better-looking version of Mai in Street Fighter 6, download this mod and have a good time. For more on the fighter, check out how Capcom is going to improve the game’s Battle Passes from here on out.