Warzone 2 Tempered Plate Carrier - Where to find and how to use

Warzone 2 player using armour plate
Credit: Activision

Warzone 2 player using armour plate
Credit: Activision

The Warzone 2 Tempered Plate Carrier is one of several new additions making its way to Call of Duty's battle royale. The third season of post-launch content is right around the corner and is expected to be a "new dawn" for the game following numerous game-breaking bugs and glitches.

Alongside the Tempered Plate Carrier, Season 3 comes with an all-new Battle Pass containing the Cronen Squall battle rifle and Alejandro as one of two playable Operators coming to Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2. Elsewhere, the BlackCell bundle adds even more content if you fancy some exclusive content.

Before we take a closer look at the Tempered Plate Carrier, check out our other Warzone 2 guides showcasing the current meta and when the next double XP event takes place.

What is the Warzone 2 Tempered Plate Carrier?

For those familiar with the first iteration of Warzone, Tempered was once a perk you could select when creating a loadout. In Al Mazrah and Ashika Island, the Tempered Plate Carrier is now a lootable item that gives you the ability to equip two armour plates to fill the entire bar.

Rather than having to equip three plates instead of two, it's much quicker to plate up in the heat of battle with the Tempered Plate Carrier equipped.

Warzone 2 Ghost holding gun
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Credit: Activision

How to get Tempered Plate Carrier in Warzone 2

The process of obtaining a Tempered Plate Carrier over the course of a match is very straightforward. Simply loot any supply boxes and hope one jumps out onto the ground.

There's every chance you can purchase a Tempered Plate Carrier in the buy station but at the time of writing, it's unknown if the carrier will ever appear as a purchasable item.

Is the Tempered Plate Carrier worth using in Warzone 2?

Assuming the Tempered Plate Carrier acts the same as the Tempered perk from the Pacific era, there's a high chance the arrival of the carrier adds another layer of customisation to the battle royale. It may not become a must-use item, but several players will gravitate towards it when looking to gain the upper hand.

There you have it, that's all there is to know about the Warzone 2 Tempered Plate Carrier. For more, check out our guides highlighting the best SMG and intel on the hotly-anticipated ranked mode.