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Some skill trees and a character in Starfield.
Gaming News

Starfield fan spends almost 200 hours analysing skill system, concludes max level could be over 300

Starfield fan spends almost 200 hours analysing skill system, concludes max level could be over 300
Screenshot of Warzone player firing gun while crouched and server room with lights on
Gaming News

Warzone fans brand game "unplayable" due to lag despite recent update

Warzone fans brand game "unplayable" due to lag despite recent update
The environment in Only Up and gv_mimi.
Gaming News

Twitch streamer takes on Only Up using recorder as controller (updated)

Twitch streamer takes on Only Up using recorder as controller (updated)
Screenshot of Apex Legends Horizon pointing and Apex Legends player running while carrying gun
Gaming News

Apex Legends players frustrated by "game-breaking" Horizon bug

Apex Legends players frustrated by "game-breaking" Horizon bug
Kraven and Miles Morales in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.
Gaming News

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 fans have mixed feelings on character glow-ups in new trailer

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 fans have mixed feelings on character glow-ups in new trailer
Diablo 4's Lilith alongside streamer Luality.
Gaming News

Diablo 4 streamer begins hardcore quest to defeat Lilith using dance pad

Diablo 4 streamer begins hardcore quest to defeat Lilith using dance pad
Screenshot of Warzone player holding sniper rifle and player holding a pistol with yellow glove
Gaming News

Warzone players claim Season 4 Reloaded meta is the "worst of all-time"

Warzone players claim Season 4 Reloaded meta is the "worst of all-time"
A guard and a thief in Skyrim.
Gaming News

Skyrim mod fixes bug that causes guards to randomly attack innocent players

Skyrim mod fixes bug that causes guards to randomly attack innocent players
The rollercoaster in Fallout New Vegas.
Gaming News

Fallout New Vegas mod lets you take a ride on Primm’s rollercoaster

Fallout New Vegas mod lets you take a ride on Primm’s rollercoaster
The Adoring Fan in Starfield.
Gaming News

Starfield superfan has commented on teaser trailer over 700 times in countdown to release

Starfield superfan has commented on teaser trailer over 700 times in countdown to release
Screenshot of Apex Legends players crouching and Apex Legends Platinum ranked keychain
Gaming News

Apex Legends devs unveil Season 18 ranked changes

Apex Legends devs unveil Season 18 ranked changes
A Sorcerer and Lilith in Diablo 4.
Gaming News

Diablo 4 players are getting stuck due to new Sorcerer unique weapon

Diablo 4 players are getting stuck due to new Sorcerer unique weapon
Screenshot of blue server room and Warzone player aiming down sights of gun
Gaming News

Warzone fans call on Activision to reset servers in order to fix issues

Warzone fans call on Activision to reset servers in order to fix issues
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